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    I.T.S. Ital Trade Services S.r.l.

    Via Scarsellini, 77


    +39 010 6423396

    The ST 800 saw band machine has been designed to cut pipes in thermoplastic material (PP, PE, PVC, PVDF) up to o.d. 800 mm. It is possible to adjust the cutting angle between 22,5° (by turning the saw arch to the left) and 67,5° (by turning the saw arch to the right). The machine is supplied with an hydraulic cylinder to clamp the pipes. On the opposite side there is an additional clamp for blocking the other pipe’s end. The machine is equipped with a quick approaching system, the cutting speed can be easy adjusted with reference to the pipe’s diameter and wall thickness. The rollers are a valid aid to slide comfortably the pipe and you can easily adjust the cutting angle by a large graduated scale.

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